Rocks are a presence of primitive ages, these elements can still be found around us to remind us where we are and come from. Maybe the first usable objects in mankind, this design shows a “redefined essence” by giving rocks a simple use inside contemporary housing as door stoppers. “Rumi”, a word in the ancient Andean Quechua language that means “rock”, is covered by a plastic cord weaving for protecting floors when is placed for stopping doors, contrasting the rustic character of the rocks with the modernity of plastic. The “Rumi” trio uses the three colors of the flag of San Juan de Pasto, a city in southern Colombia located at the foot of the Galeras volcano, from which the rocks used in these door stoppers come. This product, beyond simply stopping a door, is designed to generate employment for vulnerable populations (for example: mothers who are heads of households, prisoners, violence violence-disp migrants) who are particularly found in developing countries such as Colombia.